I may be small, but I am NOT slow.
I was born almost two years ago. My mother disappeared and I and my siblings were raised by humans. They grew like weeds; I did not. They were released. I was thrown into a cage with other raccoons and told to grow or else. I ate and ate, but only got fat. I couldn't grow for anything. It turns out that I'm a dwarf. My limbs are short and stocky and even my tail is truncated. I was x-rayed and found to have an abnormally small pelvis and an enlarged heart.
One of those other raccoons was going home in the spring after recuperating from a nasty wound. She, too, was tiny, though larger than I. She had lived successfully in the wild for 4 ½ years, raising 2 families, until she was laid low by a dog. It was decided that I should go home with her. Neither of us were good candidates for release. A wonderful house was built for us with skylights, and heat and running water. I'll tell you more about that later
I met Remo, who lives in the Big House, this summer. He certainly is BIG and has a monumental opinion of himself. When he got through laughing at me, he started bragging about all the things he's done in life. He calls it educating me: I call it self-aggrandizement. Nonetheless, I've learned a lot from him. If you'd rather talk to me than him, I have my own email address. I'm a much sweeter person than he, and I don't pretend to 'know it all'. whiffet@cogeco.ca